Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Random Pixels – Sprinklers don’t stop softball game

Sebastian River's softball team waits for the sprinklers to be turned off. Staff photo: Keith Carson.

Blogs journalist eats

EATS: Who ordered the chili with a side of shrapnel?

It's been a bit chilly out there the last couple days - at least, by my standards - ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Random Pixels – Sprinklers don’t stop softball game

Sebastian River's Colleen Coppola heads to her position. Staff photo: Keith Carson.

Blogs e fitness

E-FIT: Working out just to get warm

You warm up before a workout - but have you ever worked out to get warm? I woke ...

Blogs nothing new a compact

NOTHING NEW: My vintage Valentine

There were a few things I didn't consider when embarking upon a whole year without buying anything new. ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Bieber, Serval cats, and Cockroaches for Valentine’s Day?

Happy Valentine's Day! Married, single or dating - everyone seems to be talking about Valentine's Day. But if ...

Blogs vegas or bust

VEGAS: Has the golden age of poker passed?

VEGAS: Pundits in the poker world say poker has never been bigger.  The 2010 World Series of Poker ...

Blogs the sports section

SPORTS: Tradition: Vero Beach High School Football 1980-2010

When Jormonte Hunter finished his VBHS career with 35 total TDs in November, I wonder how many people ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Fox licking, Super Bowl Marketing, and eating off someone’s neck?

After being in journalism for a while, especially working in Florida, a lot doesn't surprise me. But, thanks ...

Blogs nothing new a compact

NOTHING NEW: Crunchy green networking

When I decided to take on The Compact to buy nothing new for a year, I fully expected ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Neutering friends, the force, and Egypt

 I've decided to add a new feature to this blog. The greatest thing about social media is the ...

Blogs journalist eats

EATS: No measuring cup? No problem!

I've been of the morning habit lately of making a bowl of real oatmeal - you know, the ...