Blogs vegas or bust

VEGAS: Playing poker online–is it for you?

You see the ads on TV: "Play poker with the pros" or "Become the next poker superstar by ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Pot, emerging artists, and Florida sunned in?

Watch the Family Feud youtube video and you'll see why I never would go on that show. My ...

Blogs nothing new a compact

NOTHING NEW: It’s not easy being green

So I'm walking into the confessional, head down and full of contrition.You, dear readers, are not my priest, ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT: The start of a journey can be exciting, and scary

At some point on almost every weekday, when you walk into our reception area, you're likely to find ...

Blogs journalist eats

EATS: Mozzarella’s got me singin’ the blues

Some time ago, I can't remember how long, I went to the store and picked up a package ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT: Party for volunteers not best time for diet

You probably already knew this but - the day you have a big party and everyone brings their ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT: Welcome to ‘I’d Hammer in the Morning’

Welcome to my little corner of the Blogosphere. . . Here's where you'll find out some things about ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Random Pixels – Spiked on C-54 Canal

Saturday was the Opening Day Regatta for area school crews. When I think of guys on a crew ...

Blogs nothing new a compact

NOTHING NEW: Digging this gardening thing

Actually, this post should be called Digging it, NOT! But I thought that might be too confusing. The ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Social media mistakes, zombie cows, Matrix take two?

If laughter is therapeutic, this blog helps me live a longer life. I'm constantly amused with what the ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Random Pixels – Sprinklers don’t stop softball game

Between the sixth and seventh innings the rain clouds didn't come but part of the field was still ...