INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The COVID-19 vaccine clinic at the county fairgrounds will close at the end of the week, county officials said Wednesday.
The mass vaccination site at the Indian River County Fairgrounds will close Friday, officials said. But, the vaccine doses will still be available at the Florida Department of Health in Indian River County office, Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital, Treasure Coast Community Health, Whole Family Health and various local pharmacies.
Residents who recently got their first doses at the fairgrounds are scheduled to get their second doses after April 30 at the health department office, county spokesperson Kathleen Keenan said. The health department has mainly administered the Pfizer vaccine.
Keenan said COVID-19 vaccine doses are becoming more readily available to residents. “The private sector is able to meet more of the demand,” Keenan said.
The health department encourages residents to get vaccinated. More than 53,000 Indian River County residents who received all of their vaccine shots are considered fully immunized, according to a Wednesday county-by-county vaccine summary.
The health department will offer walk-in services for the doses starting May 5, authorities said.
The COVID-19 immunizations will be offered from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday, health officials said. COVID-19 vaccine walk-in services will not be available on May 11.
The health department is located at 1900 27th Street, Vero Beach. Those who want more information on COVID-19 immunizations should call 772-794-7425.