business and careers online features

5 steps to creating happiness in your workplace

(BPT) - Each workday, the average American spends 8.8 hours at work or on work-related activities, according to ...

food recipes entertaining online features

5 ways to celebrate with chocolate

(BPT) - There’s truly no sweeter way to celebrate all the occasions in your life than with chocolate. ...

health and wellness online features

Thinking about a career in health care? Consider this

(BPT) - Medical professionals are in greater demand than ever before, and that’s not likely to change anytime ...

health and wellness online features

5 mom-tested tricks for coping with colds

(BPT) - Every mother knows colds can make life miserable for everyone in the house. When a coughing ...

espanol online features

La carga creciente del Alzheimer en los costos de atención médica, salud del cuidador y población mayor de 65 años

(BPT) - Hace alrededor de diez años, a Ray, el padre septuagenario de Kristen Beatty, le diagnosticaron Alzheimer. ...

online features Real Estate

Changing weather patterns leave homeowners underinsured

(BPT) - The U.S. has experienced significant shifts in the frequency, severity and locations of natural disasters — ...

online features senior living

Too many with epilepsy are unaware of this uncommon but fatal threat

(BPT) - For people with epilepsy—and for those who care for them—the side effects of the condition are ...

health and wellness online features

Facing the myths about osteoporosis: Anita’s journey

(BPT) - At the age of 53, Anita Greenstein took a bone density test at the recommendation of ...

health and wellness online features

Take the next step: Tips to help you reach your diabetes management goals

(BPT) - Nearly 30 million people in the United States are living with diabetes, and 90-95 percent have ...

education online features

5 ways summer education benefits children

(BPT) - For months, your kids have been waiting for the moment when the final bell rings and ...

health and wellness online features

Think you’re eating well? Misconceptions lead to nutrient deficiencies for many

(BPT) - The good news? Americans think they are eating well; in fact, 60 percent say they eat ...

online features Real Estate

Survey: African-Americans passionate about homeownership, but fewer own homes

(BPT) - More than any other demographic group, African-Americans perceive homeownership as an integral component of the American ...