Blogs journalist eats

EATS: The Unsinkable Meal

The other night I decided to tackle a dish I have never before made - pork chops. I ...

Blogs random pixels

HAVE CAMERA: When a camera is more than a camera

Not many of you know, but I am a huge sentimental sap. Today I had a scare. I ...

Blogs random pixels

Have Camera – A patriotic mystery solved

Kevin Parrish places a flag after Aaron McCneal handed it to him as they drive down Barber Bridge. ...

Blogs random pixels

Have Camera – A patriotic mystery solved

Over the patriotic holidays I always see the flag on the Barber Bridge appear one day then gone ...

Blogs journalist eats

EATS: Surviving on breadcrumbs and soup

So I know I was supposed to post a blog update last week -- and the week before ...

Blogs journalist eats

EATS: Baby back ribs make for tasty pizza

I had every intention of sticking to my menu plan for this week - but after just a ...

Blogs random pixels

HAVE CAMERA: It’s a Dirty Job

Visual journalism is like an old saying, it is what you make of it. The job can be ...

Blogs random pixels


No, Ashton Kutcher was not in Vero Beach, not that I would know if he was or not. ...

Blogs journalist eats

EATS: Sunday means planning, shopping, cleaning

Well, today is Sunday - the start of the week and the main day I can sit, catch ...

Blogs journalist eats

NEW: Welcome to Journalist Eats

Being a member of an online daily news organization usually means long hours, last minute on-site interviews and ...

Blogs random pixels

HAVE CAMERA: Random Pixels – Dog Days

Not the dog days of summer? Don't tell them that. These dogs, Baron (left) and Barny were living ...

Blogs the sports section

SPORTS: Spring football comes to a close

There has been a ton of activity this spring involving the local high school football programs.  Let's take ...