Blogs dining guide

DINING: Trattoria Dario offers good Italian fare on South Beach

While Vero residents have no shortage of fine dining options, the list shortens dramatically on Sundays. But an ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Owen’s brother makes his own life here

Jarrod Owen vividly remembers the day in 2003 when his twin brother, Josh, told him he was dropping ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Shutters offers casual dining at Disney’s resort

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Perhaps because it’s a bit out of the way at the northern end of our ...

Blogs On Faith

FAITH: Could it be we’re blind to our own limitations?

The legend has long been told about the famed Czarina Catherine of Russia who, at the urging of ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Sebastian Mulligan’s offers fresh seafood in an ideal setting

SEBASTIAN — The pleasures of dinner at Mulligan’s Beach House in Sebastian are about equally divided between the fresh, ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Ivan Lendl is a credit to our Vero community

VERO BEACH — Even now, 24 years after his last Grand Slam triumph and two decades since a chronic ...

Blogs Bonzo

BONZ: Ahna is a senior sheltie who keeps moving with physical therapy

Hi dog buddies, I don’t mind too much going to see my veterinarian because I know I’ll get ...

Blogs On Faith

FAITH: Flint, Sponge, or Honeycomb?

A wise person once commented that there are three kinds of givers in the world: the flint, the ...

Blogs Bonzo

BONZ: Chubbs the pug keeps busy with his two little human sisters

Hi dog buddies, Once a month I look forward to a visit from my human buddy Steve Pasqualone, ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Chill & Grill better than ever in its new US1 location

Can an out-of-the way restaurant neither really in Vero and no longer in Sebastian become a success story ...

Blogs My Vero

My Vero: Do we really want spring baseball?

There are still dreamers among us -- still a nostalgic few who allow themselves to be duped by ...

Blogs Bonzo

BONZ: Spencer, the Island Club shih tzu, can hardly wait for cocktail hour

Hi dog buddies, Chewy, one of my central beach dog buddies, and I were yapping the other day ...