32963 Features Health

Concerning rise in head and neck cancers related to HPV

Head and neck cancers used to be primarily associated with tobacco and alcohol consumption, but there’s been a ...

32963 Features Health

Research signals ‘new day’ for treating chronic fatigue syndrome

Even though it sounds a little amorphous, chronic fatigue syndrome – now called myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) ...

32963 Features Health

Fixing your posture can improve myriad health issues

Posture is more than just a matter of looking poised and confident. It plays a crucial role in ...

32963 Features Health

Fitness musts and myths: What exercise advice to follow

To stretch or not to stretch? To ice or not to ice? To run or not to run? ...

32963 Features Health

SMILE … THERE’S HELP! Range of treatments for painful jaw joints

Approximately 12 million adults in the United States have pain in the temporomandibular joint, according to a recent ...

32963 Features Health

Self-awareness: Getting in touch with your thoughts, emotions

Most people think that their level of self-awareness is pretty high. But Jane Coyle, LCSW, a psychotherapist who’s ...

32963 Features Health

Cardio-oncology: Reducing the side effects of cancer therapies

Heart disease and cancer are the top two leading causes of death in the U. S. and treating ...

32963 Features Health

Lymphedema: No cure, but many effective treatment options

Up to 250 million people worldwide have lymphedema, including an estimated 10 million in the United States, according ...

32963 Features Health

Beating multiple myeloma: New drugs increase survival rate

Within our bone marrow where blood cells are made, a battle can sometimes erupt between good and bad ...

32963 Features Health

Why are more young non-smokers getting lung cancer?

Lung cancer used to be known as a disease of old men, but an interesting shift in its ...

32963 Features Health

Colorectal screenings can help stop cancer in its tracks

Ahh … the pleasant month of March – known for balmy breezes, warmer temperatures and colorectal screenings. Excuse ...

32963 Features Health

Multidimensional weight loss: More than calories in, calories out

The average woman spends the equivalent of between six to 13 years during her lifetime dieting, according to ...