32963 Features Health

New strategies for dealing with menopause and perimenopause

It’s not exactly a welcome development. You’re eating and exercising as you always have, yet you’re gaining weight, ...

32963 Features Health

Advancements in esophageal cancer treatment bring new hope

Machinist Richard Bruzzese was up early getting ready to go in to work when he fell to the ...

32963 Features Health

Worrying: A natural emotion that can lead to healthy behavior

Do you worry that you’re worrying too much? It is a legitimate concern. Worry often accomplishes nothing and ...

32963 Features Health

Demand for therapy dogs grows at hospitals, nursing homes, schools

Turns out there’s an almost magical healing power in the touch of a warm nose or sloppy kiss ...

32963 Features Health

Staying on your feet: Strategies to keep you from falling

Remember when falling used to be a piece of cake? When you were a kid, and even in ...

32963 Features Health

Surgeons hail ‘CORI’ robotic system for knee replacements

Two Vero Beach doctors are excited about the capabilities of the CORI Surgical System, which uses handheld robotics-assisted ...

32963 Features Health

The power of resilience: How to bounce back from adversity

Life throws all of us curve balls. But according to Mayo Clinic, the more resilient we are, the ...

32963 Features Health

Want to age in place? Prepare your body, not just your home

Most people are familiar with the need to prepare your home so that you can age safely in ...

32963 Features Health

How to shed negative emotions and reclaim your happiness

Happiness varies from person to person. What brings joy to one individual may not resonate with another. Happiness ...

32963 Features Health

Audiologist: Full hearing test is Step 1 in tinnitus treatment

In a world where we are constantly bombarded with noise, silence can be a relief. But for some, ...

32963 Features Health

Half-hour daily walk can help ward off deep vein thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein deep ...

32963 Features Health

‘Forgiveness’ study: Letting go of hurt helps mental health

A new Harvard-led study builds on earlier research suggesting forgiveness boosts our mental wellbeing by reducing anxiety and ...