I start everyday by walking my dogs. I find it a wonderful way to start my day and give my dogs the exercise they need. By walking right away, I avoid being distracted by the events of the day.
Florida is paradise. I see so many beautiful things. The sky turns from black to blue velvet shot with pink. The stars slowly fade as the sun appears. Each day is a different feast for my eyes.
And my ears. The birds begin their songs as the sun comes up. If I’m out while it’s dark, I hear owls calling softly at the dawn.
I see the owls too. And deer and bobcats and a great variety of creatures.
My dogs and I greet each day together. It creates a great bond and fills our spirits. If you haven’t walked lately, get up and give it try. I hope you and your dog enjoy it as much as we do.
Cissy Sumner, CPDT-KA, CBCC-KABest Behavior Dog TrainingMember, Board of Directors, CCPDTAPDT #062323AKC Canine Good Citizen Evaluator #13985Vero Beach, FL772-978-7863www.bestbehaviordogtraining.org