Chakra Concept Workshop at Center for Spiritual Care

VERO BEACH — Jeanne Fournier will be hosting a Chakra Concept workshop at the Center for Spiritual Care on Tuesday, April 5 from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. for all who are interested in healing, wellness, growing and learning about how our bodies and spirits work together.

For those unfamiliar with the “chakra” concept, the seven Chakras are energy vortexes which feed the meridians of our body’s energetic (nervous) system.  This is an introductory and experiential chakra workshop.  Participants will experience two meditations to discover the meanings of each chakra and take home a CD with both meditations for future use.

In this workshop you will awaken to healing energies within and learn:

The human energy systems: the Auric Fields and Chakras

 How the human energy system is impacted by negative beliefs, emotions, and experiences.

 Techniques to identify and strengthen the energy centers (chakras) which contribute to health and healing.

Class fee is $35 (includes CD with 2 meditations and handouts).  Please pre-register by Friday, April 1 so we can plan for seating and materials.

For additional information or questions contact Jeanne directly at or 772-332-7202, or visit

The Center for Spiritual Care is located at 1550 24th Street in Vero Beach. (772) 567-1233.

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