online features travel

4 quick tips to keep you safe on the road

(BPT) - The warmer weather means longer days, backyard barbecues and weekends away. Before setting out on the ...

health and wellness online features

Changing seasons: Reducing the risk of anaphylaxis

(BPT) - As seasons change and temperatures begin to rise, flowers blossom and stinging insects thrive, people living ...

online features travel

Staying Healthy While Traveling Overseas

(BPT) - Each year, travelers from the United States (U.S.) head to popular destinations. And while many have ...

health and wellness online features

The eyes have it: 4 things your eyes may communicate without you knowing it

(BPT) - Your eyes: you stare with them, wink with them and roll them. You use your eyes ...

online features Real Estate

A smarter way to buy a home

(BPT) - Are you considering buying a home? With mortgage rates on the slow and steady incline, there ...

health and wellness online features

The eyes have it: 5 things you can do to reduce your child’s exposure to harmful blue light

(BPT) - A generation ago, limiting a child’s screen time meant putting restrictions on how much television they ...

family living online features

Experts say it’s never too early to teach compassion and empathy to children

(BPT) - The news is filled with articles about the opinions and attitudes of the millennial generation and ...

online features senior living

5 aging-in-place bathroom upgrades to make while you’re young(er)

Sorry, but your browser does not support the video tag. var bptVideoPlayer = document.getElementById("bptVideoPlayer"); if (bptVideoPlayer) { var ...

online features travel

Military Appreciation Month: Remembering the Fallen on Memorial Day

(BPT) - As a day to remember those who fought and died in service to our country, Memorial ...

health and wellness online features

Simplifying baby nutrition: Expert advice for your infant’s first foods

(BPT) - Your cooing, curious, incredibly cute baby is now 6 months old and you've got the go-ahead ...

online features senior living

Unlock the secret to healthy aging by improving your health in three key areas

(BPT) - You’re still just as active as you were in your thirties and forties, but as you ...

health and wellness online features

Wireless connectivity: What it is and why it matters

(BPT) - All electronics used to require wires to conduct sound until 1989, when Swedish conglomerate Ericsson Mobile ...