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CAMERA: Why do people take photos of food?

Why do so many people photograph their food? Is it because they are a proud chef or just ...

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CAMERA: I’m a new dad that’s a photographer…

I’m so happy that my first child has been born, now I get to document her every move! ...

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CAMERA: Storm doesn’t stop resident’s thoughtfulness

There I am, standing with a colleague from the Press Journal, taking refuge from the pounding rain underneath ...

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CAMERA: A stomach of steel I have not

A month or so I was taking photos from the Ford Tri-Motor during its flight over Vero Beach ...

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CAMERA: Playing horseshoes… with my microphone…

I’m not particularly hard on equipment. But, just like driving, you can’t help what others do around you. ...

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CAMERA: Chasing the pot of gold while looking for unicorns

There are some things in life that just make your smile. Rainbows are one of them for me, ...

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CAMERA: “No shark has my name on it!”

If I were asked to go in the water to film a great white my answer would be ...

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CAMERA: Polaroid making a comeback Aug. 15

Going through my parent’s photo albums I can’t help but remember seeing “polaroids.” Some are even in those ...

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CAMERA: Getty Images ramping up photography for Olympics

I’ve covered high school, college, and some minor league baseball for around a decade and quite frankly the ...

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CAMERA: A camera app that makes me appy

What can I say, I like well thought out apps that are user friendly. One of my facebook ...

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CAMERA: Is social media killing photo albums?

As I pack up my photo albums for an upcoming move, I think about all the memories in ...

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UPDATE – CAMERA: News flash, you don’t know everything

UPDATE: I recently shot a baseball game with the new monopod. I’m happy to say that my suspicions ...