Blogs nothing new a compact

NOTHING NEW: The reset button

Just a short one this time about living The Compact to buy nothing new for a year. Will ...

Blogs the sports section

SPORTS: Fighting Indians Football: The good, the bad, and the unknown

New Vero Beach High School Football Coach Lenny Jankowski will be introduced to the Vero crowd at tomorrow's ...

Blogs e fitness

E-FIT: What happens when you don’t have ‘real’ trainer?

I'm beginning to understand better now the appeal of paying hundreds of dollars to a gym and having ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Random Pixels – Cat Yawn

After joking with fellow photographer Sam Wolfe about photographing our cats, I broke out my camera again to ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Cockadoodle don’t? Parkay floors and the worst sandwiches

Time to post, glad I don't have to write this in 140 characters. I've added a new topic ...

Blogs nothing new a compact

NOTHING NEW: Finding a used hybrid

Some additions to the family require a lot of stuff. Babies, for example. Having my first child at ...

Blogs nothing new a compact


Thank God it's Friday! Time to finalize those plans for the weekend, but what to do, what to ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Ninja monkeys, privacy settings, and year old pancake mix

Every subject from food, football, and cool visuals graced our social network feeds for today's blog. Under social ...

Blogs vegas or bust

VEGAS: Mega-casinos in Florida and Peter Alson

The St. Petersburg Times reported today that Las Vegas Sands Corp. and Wynn Casinos, two of the largest ...

Blogs nothing new a compact

NOTHING NEW: Pain and suffering in Wal-Mart

"Can we make it? I wanna leave fast . . . Okay, let's pay this bill, get up ...

Blogs journalist eats

EATS: Somethin’s fishy with these (frog) legs

It's been a couple days since the Fellsmere Frog Leg Festival and my first encounter with the fried ...