habitat humanity
HABITAT: Was that the weekend that just roared by?
There's NO CHANCE of ever getting bored around here. And that's a good thing. This past weekend, Habitat ...
social buzz
BUZZ: Tickle me penguin and a missing cobra?
It's always funny seeing animals react to being tickled in certain spots. My Persian smacks his lips with ...
random pixels
CAMERA: “Photographers don’t get hit”
During the recent baseball game between Vero Beach and Sebastian River at the Vero Beach Sports Village, one ...
pets on parade
PET PARADE: AnxietyWrap could help pooch with storm phobia
One thing about summer in Florida is thunderstorms. Last year my dog Dale participated in a study about ...
journalist eats
EATS: Too many assignments leads to new chef in kitchen
It pains me to admit this - but here goes…for all my blogging about planning meals and making ...
habitat humanity
HABITAT: Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot…
When tempted to grouse about the heat, all you have to do is watch the Weather Channel for ...
the sports section
SPORTS: Vero Bowl celebrates first 300 game
Cory Washington of Port St Lucie had a night to remember Monday night, when he bowled the first ...
habitat humanity
HABITAT: Oh, the sacrifices they make. . .
Even the best cause on the planet can't succeed unless people know about it. Duh. Which is why, ...
pets on parade
PET PARADE: Pet peeve – driving with dog in lap
One of my big pet peeves is people who drive with their dog in their laps. This is ...
e fitness
E-FIT: 16-minute ‘light’ workout not as easy as I’d hoped
I'm going to be honest. It's been a while - well, since the last blog entry - that ...
pets on parade
PET PARADE: Dog training is a profession
A topic near and dear to my heart is credentials and qualifications for dog trainers. Dog training is ...