Blogs e fitness

E-FIT: Must stretch schedule to make time for yoga

One of the benefits to working from home is that, in between phone calls and filing articles, I ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT BLOG: Snowbird volunteers are gone – Help!

Every year, around this time, we feel a strange lightness here at Habitat. It is, to be precise, a lightness ...

Blogs journalist eats

EATS: Why is it that I’m hungry after stir fry?

Two nights back I made a beef-broccoli stir fry, complete with carrots, onions, oriental mushrooms, water chestnuts and ...

Blogs pets on parade

PET PARADE: My dog is getting old.

My dog is getting old. The other day, I looked at her with fresh vision. She is gray, ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Health, photography, gear and how it impacts you

We've all heard it before - health impacts everything, even your photography. Whether you're in professional photography or ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT: Stop and remember – Memorial Day approaches

As with most of our holidays, these days, the original purpose has been, to a greater or lesser ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Harry Potter, free speech, and family dysfunction

This weekend my parental units were down from the north and I finally got my mom onto facebook! ...

Blogs habitat humanity


Surfing the airwaves on the way to work  can turn up some really strange factoids. Here's one that had ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: VBHS Girls Lacrosse killed and so did I, love bugs!

Saturday the Vero Beach High School girls lacrosse team slaughtered their competition 20-3. On the way there, everyone ...

Blogs journalist eats

EATS: The chef is back!

Good morning readers! I'm back - in the kitchen, anyways. I had taken a bit of a sabbatical ...

Blogs pets on parade

PET PARADE BLOG: Best way to start the day – walk

I start everyday by walking my dogs. I find it a wonderful way to start my day and ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT BLOG: What road will I take today?

Even the most world-shaking event ultimately boils down to single choices by individuals. Like you and like me. ...