Blogs journalist eats

EATS: Tostadas make for fun, messy meal

This last weekend, I went to Tampa to spend some time with the family. Little did I know ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT: Summer melt-down

Don't know about your hair-do, but my hair-do (which was pretty iffy to begin with) is now, officially, ...

Blogs e fitness

E-Fit: Good Morning Yoga

I will be honest. I have not stepped one toe on the Wii balance board or fired up ...

Blogs pets on parade

Pets: Rio and Jesse

Big brother is watching you, Jesse and Rio.

Blogs pets on parade

Pets: Rio having fun

Hanging out at the fun run.

Blogs pets on parade

PETS: Housetraining problems can happen to anyone!

Rio has been a member of the family for a month now. Time flies! I always say dogs ...

Blogs habitat humanity

Happy Birthday, USA!

What are you doing on the 4th? It's a good bet that many of you who live in ...

Blogs habitat humanity

Habitat: Can you hear the grass cheering?

That tiny little noise you hear is the sound of a ba-zillion blades of grass cheering as they ...

Blogs e fitness

E-Fit: Is it cheating if it’s not the TV?

Lately I've stopped using the Wii console and TV for my workouts. In fact, life has been so ...

Blogs journalist eats

EATS: Watermelon eating

Tell me - how do you eat your watermelon?

Blogs journalist eats

EATS: How do you eat your watermelon?

With Summer already here - watermelon has become a staple in my household. It's cold, juicy and refreshing. ...

Blogs random pixels


  Here’s a recent screen grab I took from my IPad of a abcNews story. Unlike this person’s ...