Blogs journalist eats

EATS: I’m not the only foodie in this place

Hubby and I enjoy food - not to the point of excess, mind you - but we do ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Monday blues, a little sand, and a lot of Google+

Like a cat with a rib bone, people just can't stop talking about Google+ (check out Journalist Eats ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT: It’s JUST as hot Up There!

OK. I admit it. I bailed on our peninsula for a week or so. Not because of the ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Covering this year’s lobster mini-season was a walk on the beach

This is the first lobster mini-season I've ever covered in my career that started off surrounded by the ...

Blogs journalist eats

EATS: Help! No ideas for dinner

HELP!! I am in dire need of your assistance for dinner tonight. I have no clue what to ...

Blogs pets on parade

Rio keeps me busy!

I hope you are enjoying reading about Rio. Having a new dog keeps me humble and reminds me ...

Blogs pets on parade

Rio cooling off

Rio likes to relax on the top step of the pool.

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Blue balls, soccer balls, and Google+

I'm starting to think that there's one day going to be a psychologist that prescribes going on YouTube. ...

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: If you plant it, hummingbirds will come

There's something to be said about sweetening your chances when you're trying to photograph wildlife. Over the weekend ...

Blogs journalist eats

Tostadas – tricky things

The tricky thing about eating tostadas is biting them in such a way that the shell doesn't split ...

Blogs journalist eats

Tostadas – Remains of the plate

Part of the fun of eating tostadas is the "clean up" - scooping up the bits that didn't ...

Blogs journalist eats


A fully-loaded plate of tostada goodness, including salsa, guacamole, chips, and a Margarita.