pets on parade
PET PARADE: Rio continues to spice up life
My little dog Rio has been a part of our family for two and half months now. He ...
social buzz
BUZZ: Finally on Google+, hair pulling, life w/o social media?
I finally got an invite to Google+ and after, it was like a movie that ended poorly... now ...
pets on parade
PET PARADE: 3 dogs, 1 human makes balance challenge
Having a multi-dog household can be challenging. I always say two dogs are the perfect number. Unfortunately, I ...
social buzz
BUZZ: Ninja cats, boogers, and extreme batting practice
Some youtube videos should really come with a warning. Especially the one I saw this morning that I ...
habitat humanity
HABITAT: Buying Smart – It’s A No-Brainer
When is buying smart NOT a good idea? Regardless of your own personal budget constraints, the current (gasp) ...
journalist eats
Get that rib away!
Sneakers bats away the rib as though saying it's not his and he has no idea where it ...
journalist eats
Sniffing out food
Sneakers pretends to have never met the rib before - but we know better. Photo: Debbie Carson.
journalist eats
‘Caught’ in the act
A creative recreation of the rib caper. Photo: Keith Carson.