BUZZ: Father shoots laptop over daughter’s facebook posts

I woke up to this video this morning as I was going through my regular social media routine:

Facebook Parenting: For the troubled teen –

If you haven’t watched it, do it now, I’ll wait…

Great, what do you think?

I’ve touched on this before in other blogs. It scares me how the younger generations are using facebook. I’m not sure I would want my child to even have a laptop. Granted, desktops seem to be going the way of cassette players, but at least it’s something stationary they can use in the living room in the open.

Personally it reminds me of my father-in-law if he had a tech background. Quite frankly I would have gone with a sledge hammer over a handgun for fear of injury, but that’s me. The exploding bullets were a plus though.

Happy clicking,


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