Blogs dining guide

DINING: Maison Martinique is a bargain in the summer

VERO BEACH — For the second consecutive summer, the island’s top French restaurant, Maison Martinique, is offering a very ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Maison Martinique is a bargain in the summer

The Bamboo Room at Maison Martinique.

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Maison Martinique is a bargain in the summer

Green salad with sliced red & yellow tomatoes.

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Rays of light stream through clouds in Vero Beach

VERO BEACH — It’s not the West Coast of Florida, but sometimes we do get some nice sunsets when ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT: Changing with the times…

The before and after pix of a kitchen in this lady’s home, one of our repair and refurbishing ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT: Changing with the times…

The before and after pix of a kitchen in this lady’s home, one of our repair and refurbishing ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT: Changing with the times…

Negotiating day-to-day life in the 21st Century requires a lot more than it used to. At least, it ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Try the prix fixe at Johnny D’s

VERO BEACH — With the season behind us, it’s time once again to begin reporting on the many low-cost ...