CAMERA: Random pixels – another thing to avoid in Florida (creepy crawly)

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — It’s been an interesting time, for someone who grew up in the Midwest, getting used to all the new birds, wild pigs… and bugs!

I’m not afraid of much, being 6-foot tall and 190 lbs., but there’s common sense that comes into play when you’re outdoors.

Earlier this month, I was at the Spoonbill Marsh for a photo shoot (it is not open to the public). There I encountered my first banana spiders.

Whoa! My wife would have had a fit – I told her she should have been glad she wasn’t with me for this one. I’ve never seen so many. Images from the movie “Arachnophobia” started popping into my head during the tour.

But, they kept to their web, and I gave them a wide berth – even to my own peril (running into a mangrove branch).

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