Santa took a nautical route to deliver good wishes during the 30th annual Moorings Christmas Lighted Boat Parade, hosted by the Moorings Yacht Club, Moorings Club, Moorings Realty Sales Company and The Moorings of Vero Property Owners’ Association.
“We love this event because it truly represents the best of the Moorings,” said Collier Proctor, Moorings Realty agent, pointing out the beautiful waterside sunset.
“Most importantly, it really shows the togetherness of this community. No one loves and appreciates the Moorings like we do at Moorings Realty. We always say, ‘We don’t just sell homes, we sell lifestyle here,’ and that lifestyle is on show here tonight,” Proctor added.
Parade-goers nibbled on cookies and cider, visited with Santa, and enjoyed holiday music performed by the Indian River Charter High School Volare Choir as they gathered along Cutlass Cove to wait for the lighted armada.
As the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office blasted its boat horn to herald the commencement of the parade, boats of all sizes made their way to the cove, decked from stem to stern with lights, and colorful decorative characters such as Rudolph, the Grinch and, of course, Santa Claus.
Moorings Yacht Club Commodore Anne Lewis gave a running commentary throughout the parade, identifying the boats and their captains and crew. She noted that the lion’s share of the boats were members of the Moorings Boat Club, but also invited to join in on the fun were boats from the Youth Sailing Foundation, Orchid Island Yacht Club and Riomar.
Many residents with waterside homes participated from afar, hosting parties, decorating their docks, and waving and toasting the parade participants as they passed by. Afterward, many capped off the evening with a holiday sunset social dinner at the Moorings Club.