Health Department launches County 5210 ‘Let’s Go!’ program

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The Florida Department of Health in Indian River County is excited to adopt a nationally recognized childhood obesity prevention program called 5210 “Let’s Go!” This evidence-based initiative promotes healthy eating and active lifestyles through a collaborative, locally tailored health education curriculum. The program encourages awareness and action with easy-to-remember messages, vivid educational materials, community partnerships and local sponsors.

“In collaboration with the Department of Student Services and with the support of Superintendent Dr. Fran Adams, we will be implementing the 5210 “Let’s Go!” program in two elementary schools beginning December 2014,” explained Hugo S. Puerto, local 5210 “Let’s Go!” coordinator. “In Indian River County, over one-third of elementary school youth and nearly two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese. Obesity is associated with increased risk of heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some types of cancer. The 5210 health education program is a fun and simple way to educate the community about how they can achieve a healthy lifestyle through small changes.”

5-2-1-0 stands for everyday behaviors that support healthy lifestyles in children and adults: Five or more fruits and vegetables, two hours or less of screen time, one hour or more of physical activity and zero sugary beverages each day.

“The Health Department is partnering with the Indian River County School District, community leaders and other local organizations to implement the 5210 program,” said Puerto. “These strategic partnerships will allow us to reach diverse age groups, raise awareness and spur action among our community members.”

As the 5210 “Let’s Go!” program rolls out, the Florida Department of Health is looking forward to promoting events, activities and fun physical challenges that are open to the community. Currently, the Florida Department of Health is taking on the 10,000 steps challenge – an easy way for busy adults to increase their physical activity by tracking their steps throughout the day. Going forward, the 5210 program would love to promote such events in the community at large.

The 5210 team will visit schools throughout the 2014-2015 school year for approximately six weeks at a time. They will introduce the 5210 curriculum to faculty and staff, who can then incorporate the program into class exercises, projects, a gardening program and more.

“This program is designed to support faculty and staff,” said Puerto, “It is important to support our educators as much as possible – they aren’t in this alone!” The Indian River County School District will inform parents about which schools will be visited and share more details about the program.

To learn more about the Indian River County 5210 “Let’s Go!” initiative, tips, events and nutritious recipes, visit or

Indian River County’s 5210 “Let’s Go!” program is adopted from The Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital at Maine Medical Center. This initiative works in six areas: early childhood, child care, schools, after school, workplace, and healthcare) to reach families where they live, learn, work and play. The program has spread nationally with positive results.

Be sure to visit the website at or follow on Facebook at for more information and resources to promote healthy living.

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