E-FIT: New year means new resolve to shed those extra pounds

Every year we all make these grand plans to lose weight, eat right, sleep more and find balance between our work and personal lives only to find that our enthusiasm wanes in less than a week – a month for the lucky few.

I resolve to not be one of the ones who ditches the resolutions a week, a month, or even 3 months into it. Who am I kidding? I’m a new mom – baby girl turns 4 months in a matter of days – and am still struggling to find a work-life balance.

Add to that the diaper changes, the feedings, the sheer amount of time baby girl needs from me, and I might as well give up now.

But I won’t.

I gained 40 pounds in the pregnancy and have shed 23 pounds in these last few months. But I’m still not where I was before baby. I also didn’t start from where I wanted.

So, my goal is to lose about 30 pounds – No, I don’t have a time frame in mind. So long as the weight is coming off, I don’t care how long it takes.

My plan of action is to use my Wii system for the workouts, alternating The Biggest Loser and Wii Fit. I will also be using a new app on my iPod Touch called Lose It! to help track my calorie intake and output (by logging my Wii workouts in the app).

The goal for all three “systems” – Biggest Loser, Wii Fit and Lose It! – is the same – drop 30 pounds. Lose It! says it’ll take me to July to lose 30 pounds – essentially 1 pound a week. I’m hopeful I can beat that deadline.

We’ll see.

To those of you who followed the first round of my E-Fit blog, I’m sorry I stopped blogging. As I had surmised from the outset, blogging helped to keep me accountable to my workouts. When I stopped blogging, I stopped working out.

I don’t want that to happen again. Now that I have a little girl, I want to make sure that I am fit and healthy to keep up with her and to provide her a good example.

I hope this blog serves as inspiration to you as you take on your own New Year’s resolution. Perhaps we can draw strength and inspiration from each other – don’t be a stranger, feel free to post comments below or email me directly at Debbie@veronews.com.

Happy New Year!


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