CAMERA: My favorite photos from 2012

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY – From presidential politics to high school sports, it was a visually thrilling year.

Yes, we live in a smaller community, but that has nothing to do with the characters this area attracts.

This is the second time Mitt Romney visited Vero Beach, giving Pat Cannon a thrill, and another photo for her wall.

Local athletes also impressed us by sacrificing their bodies for their teams.

Mother Nature also showed her beauty with a huge moon rise over St. Edward’s School.

Also, a sad photo, but an unexpected color display, graced our website. I met one of the kids affected by that fire during the “Shop with a cop” event at the Sebastian Walmart and his kindness in picking out household items warmed my heart.

I can’t wait to see what 2013 brings.

Happy holidays from us at and here’s to another great year.

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