VERO BEACH — Seacoast National Bank recently sponsored the Senior Resource Association’s Donor Recognition Celebration held on Thursday, January 27. In addition, Seacoast has sponsored the Silver Tones Chorus for both the 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 concert seasons. “Through the invaluable support of its donors, the Senior Resource Association provides many unique services for our community’s senior citizens,” explained Cyn DeLee Dalton, Vice President and Regional Retail Manager/Indian River County. “Seacoast is proud to sponsor an event that honors its donors and to support the chorus that provides an enriching experience for its clients.”
In addition to adult day care, Meals on Wheels and Social Entrée Meals, the Senior Resource Association, a 501c3 nonprofit organization, is the community manager of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), a national volunteer program for adults age 55 or over. RSVP volunteers provide expertise and experience to local area nonprofits, schools, and projects.
Seacoast National Bank is the operating arm of Seacoast Banking Corporation of Florida (NASDAQ:SBCF). With $2.1 billion in assets and 39 branches from Orlando to Palm Beach Gardens, it is one of the largest community banks headquartered in Florida.
Visit www.seacoastnational.com for more information.