SEBASTIAN — Richard Gillmor and Jim Hill were sworn in Monday evening and reclaimed their seats at the dais after voters overwhelmingly reaffirmed their support of the councilmen.
In a matter of about 15 minutes, Gillmor and Hill were reintroduced to the council and the new mayor and vice mayor were selected.
With little discussion and debate, the council voted 4-1 to name Hill Sebastian’s Mayor and Wright as Vice Mayor.
Wolff nominated Gillmor for both posts, but was overruled by his fellow council members.
After being named Mayor, Hill thanked Gillmor for his service to the council during his tenure as mayor.
“You brought stability” and civility that was “very much needed” to the dais, Hill said, addressing Gillmor. “I hope to do the same.”
Wright told his fellow council members that he has enjoyed serving on a city council that is able to work together for the betterment of the city.
Councilwoman Andrea Coy offered her congratulations to both Hill and Gillmor for having been re-elected.
Gillmor told the audience that he wished to thank those who voted for and supported him during the campaign. He recalled a comment Coy once made that all five members on the council represent everyone in the city – not just those who voted for that particular candidate.
“Don’t think you can’t call me,” Gillmor said, addressing those who did not vote for him. “You can.”
He added, “I will continue to work as hard as I have, and maybe play a little more golf.”
His comment drew chuckles from the audience and closed out the special meeting.
The newly seated council will hold its first official business meeting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 17.