VERO BEACH — Learn the ABCs of mentoring at the Youth Guidance Mentor Orientation Dinner, 5:30 to 7 p.m. Thursday, September 2, at the United Way Building, 1836 14th Avenue, Vero Beach.
If you think you can spend just two hours a week mentoring a Youth Guidance child, be sure to attend this orientation, sponsored by the Youth Guidance Mentoring & Activities Program of Indian River County. There is no cost for the dinner but reservations are required.
To make a reservation, call Piper at 772-226-3092.
This orientation session is an ideal opportunity for prospective and current Youth Guidance mentors to get the support and information for making mentoring relationships even more productive and rewarding. The sessions are especially appropriate for persons who want to explore the possibility of becoming a mentor.
Topics include the mission and goals of the program, the responsibilities and rewards of mentors, program demographics and requirements, confidentiality and the qualities of successful mentors. The program explains practical techniques and discusses possible additional training opportunities.
The primary purpose of Youth Guidance is to match each of its nearly 700 at-risk K-12 grade children with a volunteer mentor 21 years or older. Mentors spend just a few hours a week with their mentee doing friendship based activities that they both enjoy. The agency is actively seeking volunteers to serve as mentors, tutors, or periodic volunteers at ongoing activities for the unmatched children in the program, or to provide regular help in the office.
Youth Guidance is also looking for partnerships with businesses, service clubs and church groups to pair with their unmatched children for just one activity a year. The Guidance Gallery, a display board featuring 80 Youth Guidance children who need mentors, is available for organizations or businesses to display in their lobbies to help recruit mentors.
Information: Visit www.ircyouth.com or call 772-226-3092.