The other night I decided to tackle a dish I have never before made – pork chops. I know, it sounds like an odd dish to have never cooked before, but until recently I have been living under the impression that I am allergic to pork.
While I might still have some sensitivity to the meat, it’s not enough of a deterrent any longer – Keith’s so happy!
So, I’m in the kitchen and pull out all the items I need – the pork chops, fresh green beans, frozen pearl onions, eggs, breadcrumbs, you know, everything.
I enlist Keith’s help to snip the ends of the beans and we make good time. I put the beans in a colander and turn to the kitchen sink.
I had forgotten I can’t use the kitchen sink – I broke it earlier in the evening.
I had been rinsing suds out of the sink and swiveled the faucet from one side to the other. When it reached the opposite end of the sink, it just snapped. A fountain of water shot upward from the pipe. Reaching around the plume, I turned off the water – no major flooding to report.
Now that I’m trying to rinse the beans, I have to figure out – do I use the bathroom sink or the tub? There’s just something about the thought of using the tub to wash food that gives me the willies – so the sink it was.
As I rinse the beans in the sink, my only thought is that I hope this isn’t a sign for how dinner will actually turn out.
Happy day – it wasn’t! Dinner turned out wonderfully, if I do say so myself.
I did learn a little more appreciation for my kitchen sink – which, thankfully was repaired the next day. Have you ever tried washing your hands between handling raw meat or trying to rinse food only to have to walk down the hall to do what you need to do?
Until next time,
Happy Eats!