Name: Joe ScozzariAge: 51How long living in Sebastian: 9 YearsPlace of Birth: New YorkOccupation: Operations manager for Vero based companyMarital/Family Status: Married, sons, Ken, Will and Gabriel, and Shar Pei “Buddy”
Please list Civic and Volunteer Leadership Experience including title & position and Organization including dates and locations.
Leadership experience in the work force primarily, I also mentor local youth and explain the hazards of drug addiction/ Alcohol abuse.
What issues motivated you to run for this office and what do you hope to accomplish during your term?
I noticed our council was setting the stage to raise our taxes and have noticed some loss and threats of loss of service. I have been working to save our city some funds on my own time, I have some very interesting documents you may like to see regarding our budget and the spending that has been going on . I can reduce our budget, I am now certain I can reduce the city’s spending. We can discuss this at a later date residents feel free to call me if you’re interested in keeping our taxes low and enhancing our services. It will not be a waste of your time.
What do you believe needs to be done to improve the city’s redevelopment and waterfront areas?
Less code restriction, less micro management, we need to complete the riverfront destination project. However we should get a bond from any lessee that would like to use all city property, as we have seen in the past, many promises have been broken by many non profits.
What do you think is the role of the City Council in sparking economic development? What does economic development mean to you?
The role for our government in these trying times is to be more business friendly. We all agree, we want slow and specific growth in our city and county, but we are burdened down by government and politics as usual. impact fees, landscape development, parking restrictions, I would like to work with my fellow council members to relax these codes and welcome new merchants and residents.
Economic development means to devise a plan to develop opportunities, to implement the plan and stay focused on the vision that has been desired by the people for their community.
The redevelopment area dominates discussion at the city government level. What other areas of the city need attention and what would you do to address them?
I feel we do not have the educational resources for our drug and alcohol addicted members of the community. If the city could have a volunteer network of people to council addicts it may just aid in the health of our community. I also feel our feral cat problems/abandon animals are an issue. Our A.S.P.C.A is here to help and I feel our broadcasting station could do something to let people with animal problems, know where they can go for help. I would also like to have monthly meetings with the budgetary chair one on one and go over line by line, dollar for dollar, the expenditures of our department heads, put a plan together to reduce our taxes and seek council approval to make it happen. If Fellsmere can do it, Sebastian can do it!