Main News
32963 Features
Volunteers honored at Relay for Life wrap-up party
Volunteers and fundraisers were recognized last Thursday at a collective Wrap-Up Appreciation Dinner at the Heritage Center for ...
32963 Features
Health issues at aging Beachland concern parents
VERO BEACH — Beachland Elementary School parents, who a couple of years ago successfully fought to save the school’s ...
32963 Features
‘Beginning of new era’ in the treatment of cystic fibrosis
This is one in an occasional series about children’s health issues. We know that many of our readers ...
32963 Features
Prosek’s ‘Ocean Fishes’ make splash at Art Museum
An exhibition that is sure to attract icthyophiles of all ages has just opened in the Schumann and ...
32963 Features
St. Ed’s tennis star left big mark in just one year
Howard Bi could have easily been excused for hunkering down and going through the motions after transferring to ...
32963 Features
Guardians ad Litem: Giving a voice to children in need
“Children need people in their corner who have no agenda but the child's welfare,” a trainee once told ...
32963 Features
Barbara du Pont and the sport of photography
The fantastic photo opportunities that international travel provides are the stuff of dreams for many photographers, but Barbara ...
32963 Features
Indian River Academy mural illustrates beauty of lagoon
Elementary school students at Indian River Academy will be forever reminded of the beauty and importance of the ...
32963 Features
Coming up: Lana Del Rey in West Palm plus the bar music scene here in Vero
If you’ve got kids heading off to college, make sure they share their i-tunes before they go. Otherwise ...
32963 Features
Sebastian hospital lab techs on duty 24 hours a day
People you'll probably never meet are often the ones who actually tell your doctor what's wrong with you. ...
My Vero
MY VERO: Death in police custody is big on social media
So now the story of the Mitchell Brad Martinez, who died while being transported from the courthouse to ...
indian river county
Judge denies County’s request to block train bonds
INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — U.S. District Court Judge Christopher Cooper issued an order on Wednesday afternoon saying no to ...