32963 Features People

Vax to the max: ‘Source’ pushing the needy to get jab

When the Florida Department of Health in Indian River County sent out word that they would take mobile ...

32963 Features People

‘Pirates in the Park 2-Miler’: Arrr-some run helps VBHS

A Pirates in the Park 2-Miler hosted by the Running Zone Foundation immediately followed the Pirate and Caribbean ...

32963 Features 32963 News

Orchid town manager soap opera ends with Powers taking buyout

The summer soap opera that followed the announced resignation of Orchid Town Manager Noah Powers took a climatic ...

32963 Features People

Pirate and Caribbean Festival is a real Vero treasure!

Riverside Park was overrun by swashbucklers of all ages last weekend at the three-day Pirate and Caribbean Festival, ...

32963 Features 32963 News

Cleveland Clinic Indian River nurses vote to keep union

Contract negotiations between Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital and the union representing its registered nurses have intensified, as ...

32963 Features Real Estate

Elegant Wyn Cove pool home filled with ‘peace and calm’

“I can’t live in this home.” Those words are what stood out in Kay Hammond’s mind the first ...

32963 Features 32963 News

Natural gas may be coming soon to barrier island

Florida City Gas has decided to move forward with a major expansion of natural gas service to the ...

32963 Features 32963 News All News Featured News Secondary News

Complaints halt the construction of new Wabasso bridge fence

The Florida Department of Transportation has halted installation of a 3-foot-high chain link safety fence along both perimeters ...

32963 Features 32963 News All News Featured News Secondary News

Mardy Fish shares story of his battle with anxiety disorder in documentary on Netflix

On the first day of the 2015 U.S. Open, Mardy Fish went public with his battle with a ...

32963 Features 32963 News All News Featured News Secondary News

Death toll since COVID surge now up to 128 here

Another 18 people have died of COVID-19 in Indian River County, according to the county health department’s latest ...

32963 Features Arts

Coming Up! Ahoy there! It’s Vero’s Pirate & Caribbean fest

Arrrr! The annual Vero Beach Pirate & Caribbean Festival is where it’s happening this weekend. The family-friendly event ...

32963 Features 32963 News

Beachland Elementary open again, and masks may be gone by end of the month

Beachland Elementary students tried to get back to their normal routine last week after a COVID-19 outbreak sidelined ...