Main News
My Vero
Schools’ record on black teachers is embarrassing
Too often, the people running the county's schools arrive at decisions that do not make sense. Sometimes, these ...
Coming Up: Great British string concert is free!
Should you decide to do so, you can immerse yourself in music pretty much all weekend, starting now, ...
Throw time! Fired-up potters meet 1,200 bowl goal
With the retirement of a large gas-fired kiln at the Vero Beach Museum of Art and a replacement ...
Mr. Manatee’s: Worth a visit for a casual meal
It has been just about a year since Patrick Tomassi, owner of the Quilted Giraffe restaurant, bought Mr. ...
On Faith
Defining moments make us stronger, more faithful
An insightful author once noted that “a person reaches maturity when he or she finally accepts the event ...
‘Making Strides’ teams get marching orders
With Breast Cancer Awareness Month just around the corner, supporters gathered at the Heritage Center for a Kickoff ...
Real Estate
Hotel headlines $40M development planned on Route 60
If you build it, they will come. That strategy worked for Kevin Costner’s character in “Field of Dreams,” ...
Bonz meets Murphy, one of Sheriff’s Finest (pooches)
I’ve said it before an I’m sayin’ it again: I’m One Lucky Dog! Evry week I meet a ...
Summerfest strikes a chord with young musicians
Members of the Summerfest Chamber Orchestra shared more than just beautiful music with Vero Beach High School Orchestra ...
Study links chronic pain to cognitive impairment
For the first time, researchers have made an association between chronic pain and memory loss in older adults, ...
Unity Award winner: A man on a ‘Mission’
Freddie Woolfork exemplifies the progressive spirit of the Gifford community, especially as it relates to local youth through ...
So long, pardner: Popular Vero doctor pulling up stakes
A pair of well broken-in cowboy boots might be the first visual cue that Dr. William (Bill) Frazier ...