Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Ninja cats, boogers, and extreme batting practice

Some youtube videos should really come with a warning. Especially the one I saw this morning that I ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Monday blues, a little sand, and a lot of Google+

Like a cat with a rib bone, people just can't stop talking about Google+ (check out Journalist Eats ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Blue balls, soccer balls, and Google+

I'm starting to think that there's one day going to be a psychologist that prescribes going on YouTube. ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Surviving the wild – both animals and subways

YouTube users, you never cease to make me laugh or disgust the hell out of me with your ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: IPad cat, pool playing dog, and things you shouldn’t twitter

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the Rep. Anthony Weiner twitter controversy. All I have to say ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Harry Potter, free speech, and family dysfunction

This weekend my parental units were down from the north and I finally got my mom onto facebook! ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Tickle me penguin and a missing cobra?

It's always funny seeing animals react to being tickled in certain spots. My Persian smacks his lips with ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Scary noses, burglary, and stupid husbands

I've made my share of stupid comments to my wife, sometimes even while she was holding sharp objects. ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Techno grandpa, fast food sushi, and boogers

As I approach 30 I've been watching my health a little closer - the fast food sushi in ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Sneezing panda, zombie love, and IHOP

It always amazed me how big sneezes come from such small creatures - or people for that matter. ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Soccer playing dogs, world order, and confession apps

I'm guessing that the people of Ireland just thought that the dog was funny and they didn't want ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Pot, emerging artists, and Florida sunned in?

Watch the Family Feud youtube video and you'll see why I never would go on that show. My ...