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What you need to think about when considering a career change

(ARA) - In this time of economic uncertainty, people of all ages are considering career changes. According to ...

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Attention authors: 4 reasons to go with an indie publisher

Due to advancements in technology like digital cinematography cameras and internet distribution, artists in both the movie and ...

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What kind of auto coverage do you need?

When it comes to purchasing auto insurance, determining what kind of coverage you need can be downright confusing. ...

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Will your insurance policy cover the cost of a rental car after an accident?

What will you do if you get into an accident and your car is so badly damaged you ...

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What is your coverage for a rental car?

The next time you go on a trip, whether for business or pleasure, you may want to reconsider ...

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How traffic tickets may impact your auto insurance premiums

Have you gotten a ticket for careless driving, speeding or some other traffic violation recently? If so, the ...

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The impact deductibles have on auto insurance premiums

There are many factors that come into play when determining the amount you'll be charged for auto insurance ...

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How to choose a safe, effective fish oil supplement

(ARA) - Americans now swallow fish oil more often than multivitamins, according to ConsumerLab's recent annual survey of ...

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What your teen needs to know about car insurance

As soon as your son blows out the candles on his 16th birthday cake, you're being asked for ...

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Distracted driving has many consequences

Distracted driving is fast becoming one of the most talked about issues in America. Several states have passed ...

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Nicotine addiction: A women’s health crisis

(ARA) - Women account for about 20 percent of the world's 1 billion smokers, and 17.4 percent of ...

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Five tips for maintaining your motorcycle or ATV

(ARA) - Americans have purchased more than 15 million all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and motorcycles over the past 10 ...