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Tips for safe driving while celebrating

Whether you're celebrating the end of a tough semester, a promotion at work, the birth of a child ...

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Thirsty? Reach for a cool alternative to water

(ARA) - If you're thirsty, you can always grab a glass and turn on the tap or head ...

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How to get your teen excited about this year’s family road trip

Have a teenage driver in your household? If so, make this the year you get your son or ...

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Would your kids know what to do in the event of a road trip emergency?

When you set out on a family road trip, running into trouble is the last thing on your ...

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Safety on the road: 10 tips to keep you safe on your bike

(ARA) - Bicycling for fun, exercise and to commute to work is exploding throughout the United States. In ...

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What to do if your child is being bullied

(ARA) - If your child is being bullied, she's not alone. About 160,000 children in the United States ...

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Items you must have in your car emergency kit

With today's technology, it's easy to forget about taking safety precautions when help is a phone call or ...

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Turn the ‘getting there’ into the best part of the trip

The next time you decide to go on a road trip, don't be in such a hurry to ...

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Practical tips for keeping America’s youth safe when behind the wheel

(ARA) - With the growing use of cell phones and text messaging, it's not surprising that risky and ...

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Confident style: How to express your true inner beauty

(ARA) - Your appearance - from what you wear, to how you style your hair, to how you ...

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Women are going back to school, but not in the classroom

(ARA) - While many parents already take an active role in their children's education, today more and more ...

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Creating great food memories

(ARA) - Your memory of real, flavorful, fresh food is a key tool for losing weight. At least ...