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We Care Foundation opens new clinic Dec. 4

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY - The grand opening celebration of the We Care Foundation of Indian River’s new We ...

Health Other Sections

VNA offers no-cost blood pressure, blood sugar screenings

VNA Home Health and Hospice is offering the following no-cost blood pressure and blood sugar screenings in December ...

32963 Features Health

All Afib medications require constant, careful monitoring

Jantoven, Marevan and Waran might sound like the name of a law firm, but it’s actually a list ...

32963 Features Health

Parents pressure doctors to delay childhood vaccinations

This is one in an occasional series about children’s health issues. We know that many of our readers ...

32963 Features Health

Brain abnormalities leading to tinnitus pain identified

There is one unwelcomed commonality shared by Ronald Reagan, Barbra Streisand, Charles Darwin and Alex Trebek. Give up? ...

32963 Features Health

Cancer Society suggests fewer breast cancer screenings

The American Cancer Society in October announced new breast cancer screening guidelines for the first time since May ...

Health Other Sections

VNA extends “Shoo the Flu” clinics through Nov. 21

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — The VNA’s "Shoo the Flu" public vaccination clinics are being extended until Saturday, Nov. 21. ...

Health Other Sections

VNA offers no-cost blood pressure, blood sugar screenings

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — VNA Home Health and Hospice is offering the following no-cost blood pressure and blood sugar ...

32963 Features Health

Sleep apnea often misdiagnosed as depression

A new study from the University of Western Australia found that more than 70 percent of people with ...

32963 Features Health

Nuclear cardiology: Not as scary as it sounds

“Nuclear” and “cardiology,” are two words that are rife with less-than-pleasant connotations. The word “nuclear” can instantly conjure ...

32963 Features Health

Frequent dizziness may indicate a serious health problem

It’s probably a pretty safe bet that most of us have, on occasion, felt a moment or two ...

32963 Features Health

Triple-teaming breast cancer with more detection

Jenifer Baumgardner and Emily Boeckman don't want to give breast cancer a fair fight. In fact, they actively ...