32963 Features Health

Kids with Type 1 diabetes have low levels of vitamin D

This is one in an occasional series about children’s health issues. We know that many of our readers ...

32963 Features Health

Why UTIs are 10 times more common in women

Have you have ever wondered why women are much more prone to urinary tract infections than men? Urologist ...

32963 Features Health

Small wonder: Tiny SpyGlass finds, removes gallstones

Here’s an axiom you almost never hear in today’s medical world. “What you don't know probably won't hurt ...

32963 Features Health

Sebastian River Medical Center looking for volunteers

Just up the road from Vero Beach, Anthony Gabriel and Rose Marie Breinlinger at Sebastian River Medical Center ...

32963 Features Health

Tuning into music therapy and its medical benefits

If you were asked to list types of medical specialties, you’d likely be able to come up with ...

32963 Features Health

Don’t count on acetaminophen to treat osteoarthritis

A recent study from the University of Bern in Switzerland finds that acetaminophen, taken alone, is an ineffective ...

32963 Features Health

Pressure’s on: How to combat your hypertension

Of all the dread diseases and difficult medical conditions being bandied about online and in health care publications ...

Health Other Sections

Department of Health hosts “Man-up” event June 11

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Men and boys are invited to attend to the “Man-up” Event on Saturday, June 11, ...

32963 Features Health

Eye say! New Lasik techniques produce better results

Every carpenter knows the phrase “measure twice, cut once,” but Dr. David O’Brien, who works in a different ...

32963 Features Health

FDA-OK! New treatment for prostate cancer approved

Recent research from the UK concludes that using a form of ultrasound in the treatment of prostate cancer ...

32963 Features Health

Gulp! New research on moderate drinking is sobering

If you enjoy consuming a moderate amount of alcohol, you’ve likely been happy about the numerous studies hailing ...

32963 Features Health

Therapy brings relief for those with pulmonary fibrosis

78-year-old Vero resident Ruby Mitchell has a serious respiratory disease known as “idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.” There is no ...