Blogs dining guide

DINING: Italian Grill is bringing great pizza to the barrier island

The best pizza in Vero has finally come to the barrier island! On Tuesday, the Italian Grill – ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: ‘Coach Joe’ back in school, but questions remain

Fifteen months after Sebastian River High School teacher Joe Nathaniel physically subdued a violently aggressive youth during a ...

Blogs On Faith

ON FAITH: As the world turns, let’s always strive to make it better

How would you rate the condition of the world today compared to its condition in past generations? Are ...

Blogs Bonzo

BONZ: Bonz has the scoop on Miss Sadie’s bridal shower

This week was a first for me, and Honest-to-Snoopy, it was somethin’ I never thought I’d be doin’. ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Yellow Dog Café is a blue-ribbon winner

In several reviews over the past decade, we have been high in our praise of the Yellow Dog ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Dodgertown remains part of spring training pilgrimages

One morning last week, while noshing on a bagel at the local Panera Bread eatery, I found myself ...

Blogs On Faith

ON FAITH: Proof that forgiveness can turn tragedy into treasure

Let’s face it: It’s not easy to forgive. Sure, it’s one thing to forgive a small slight or ...

Blogs Bonzo

BONZ: Krista almost leaves bilingual Bonz speechless

This week I had a fun yap with Krista Runyon, a German Shepherd who just turned 2 this ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Amalfi Grille – Delightful dining saves best for last

From innovative appetizers to the hands-down best desserts in Vero, no restaurant does it better than the Amalfi ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Acupuncturist defends $1M billings to county

After reading my column last month, when I expressed shock and concern that one local acupuncture practice was ...

Blogs On Faith

ON FAITH: The wisdom of seeing the light … and BEING the light

Do you see the light? That’s an interesting question, isn’t it? It conjures up all kinds of images. ...

Blogs Bonzo

BONZ: Bonz meets a St. Bernard pup – it’s ‘Tru’!

I love interviewin’ puppies. They make me feel young, ya know? So this week, I was totally lookin’ ...