My Vero

Road-rage mom: I don’t know how my son wasn’t killed

Amy Clemente tries to not think about what might’ve happened if any of the stray bullets fired during ...


Bonz meets mysterious Kiya, a beautiful Basenji

This week I innerviewed Kiya Morris, an I realized I was a liddle intimidated. Don’t laugh. I know ...

My Vero

Number of panhandlers on mainland increasing

If you regularly drive around the Vero mainland, you’ve probably seen panhandlers at certain busy intersections – U.S. ...

On Faith

In God we trust, because we know He will find us

Have you heard the saying: “There are no atheists in foxholes”? Apparently that assertion has been vigorously refuted ...


Bonz falls head over paws for delightful Duchess

This week I innerviewed Duchess Davidson, an English Springer Spaniel (like me). An I just  wanna say … ...

My Vero

Brightline’s debut going well – except for 3rd death

As the glitzy, new train pulled into the West Palm Beach station Saturday afternoon, completing my round-trip ride ...


Bonz is now besties with Westies Chloe and Sutton

Chloe an Sutton Fitzgerald give new meaning to the word Cute. To begin with, they’re Westies (West Highland ...

On Faith

Point to the future by connecting the dots of your life

We’ve always been intrigued by a story that comes to us from the Book of Exodus about Moses’ ...

On Faith

Fear not: God has the whole world in His hands

We don’t get to New York City very often. We always feel a little like country mice dazzled ...


Bonz walks (and talks) feline with Tiggy and Punkin

I can’t buh-lieve it’s been three and a half years since I innerviewed my first cat. His name ...

My Vero

Popular King of the Hill tourney begins Tuesday

There’s something special – and very Vero – about the King of the Hill tennis tournament, which begins ...

My Vero

Flowers being groomed to someday succeed sheriff

At age 50, embarking this week on his 29th year in law enforcement and his 10th as Indian ...