Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Is he DEA, ICE, FBI? No, just a photographer.

Here I am covering an event at the Vero Beach Museum of Art.

Blogs random pixels

CAMERA: Is he DEA, ICE, FBI? No, just a photographer.

I do not carry a gun, unless you count the two Canon cameras on me that I shoot ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Surviving the wild – both animals and subways

YouTube users, you never cease to make me laugh or disgust the hell out of me with your ...

Blogs habitat humanity

Sure it’s hot – but it could be worse

Sure, it's hot, but would you prefer for example, floods that can wash your house away? Mudslides perhaps?  ...

Blogs pets on parade

New pooch settling in with roomies

Adding a new dog to your home is always interesting. I expected Jesse and Rio to get along ...

Blogs pets on parade

New Pooch Settling in with Roomies

Rio gets acquainted with Dale and Jesse.

Blogs pets on parade

PET PARADE: Say hello to Rio – a new addition to the family

I have failed to follow my own advice and adopted dog number three. I have had my eye ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: IPad cat, pool playing dog, and things you shouldn’t twitter

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the Rep. Anthony Weiner twitter controversy. All I have to say ...

Blogs e fitness

E-FIT: Must stretch schedule to make time for yoga

One of the benefits to working from home is that, in between phone calls and filing articles, I ...

Blogs habitat humanity

HABITAT BLOG: Snowbird volunteers are gone – Help!

Every year, around this time, we feel a strange lightness here at Habitat. It is, to be precise, a lightness ...