Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Sal Spallone finds new passion in teaching golf

Even before he won the 1995 state high school golf championship while playing for St. Edward's, Sal Spallone ...

Blogs Bonzo

BONZ: The joy of meeting a Schnauzer who’s not bossy

I’m happy to be helping Bonzo out while his human assistant is in the hospital. Bonzo is my ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Veal Chops delight at Mimmo’s Scampi Grill

One of the innovators among restaurants offering summer dining specials is Mimmo’s Scampi Grill in Vero’s old downtown. ...

Blogs On Faith

FAITH: Peer pressure may help you lead more fulfilling life

Have you heard the story about the woman celebrating her 102nd birthday? One of the guests at her ...

Blogs Bonzo

BONZO: Bonzo displays his tolerant side, interviews cat

Hi, Pet Buddies! My daddy was a wise old dog, and something he shared when I was a ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Woody’s specializes in savory barbeque and friendly service

SEBASTIAN — For cold beer and savory barbecue at reasonable prices, Woody’s is a great choice. Located in a ...

Blogs social buzz

BUZZ: Cornell – ‘Emotional contagion’ sweeping Facebook

A study by Cornell University has discovered that emotions spread among users of social media, according to ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Summer’s great here, even with the storms

Those of you who have made this seaside slice of heaven your year-round home know exactly what I ...

Blogs explore irc

EXPLORE: Breaking the ‘rules,’ growing a garden

Never have I ever attempted to grow anything. So when I got the itch to start a new ...

Blogs Bonzo

BONZ: Lord Linus is a tiny Norwich terrier with a big heart

Last week, I wrote about my dog friends having to get used to new neighborhoods when their human ...

Blogs random pixels

Random pixels: Wade fishing and a close call with camera gear

Recently I've taken up wade fishing, and until this last trip, I was more paranoid of shark and ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Bijou is bigger and better than ever

Two years ago this week, we decided as an experiment to begin checking out low-cost summer dining deals ...