Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Mardy Fish – ‘I felt tennis still owed me something’

Mardy Fish seemed to be caught off-guard. "Is this a comeback or a farewell tour?" I asked him, ...

Blogs On Faith

ON FAITH: Christ’s key question: ‘Friend why are you here’

Several years ago, we travelled with a group of church members and friends to Ireland, Scotland, and England ...

Blogs Bonzo

BONZ: Bonzo meets cute hybrid who’s no creampuff

Hi, Pet Buddies! Have you noticed all the new mixed-breed dog names? It’s makin’ me a little dizzy. ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: The Patio – Will this be the revival that makes it?

Once again, The Patio is back – this time named The Patio Seafood Tavern. The big question: Can ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Mulvoy brings major golf event here

As I drove up to John’s Island last week for lunch with Mark Mulvoy, the now-retired Sports Illustrated ...

Blogs On Faith

ON FAITH: Let God lead you from inertia to innovation

We’ve probably all heard the witticism that says: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again ...

Blogs Bonzo

BONZ: Bonzo hears a sad story with a happy ending

Hey dog buddies! This week I got to meet a Roseland dog who was tossed aside by cruel ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Scampi Grill is one of Vero’s best with Chef Alex

One of the challenges for a long-time Vero restaurant reviewer is finding new things to say about an ...

Blogs My Vero

MY VERO: Action needed to slow Vero’s ‘crotch rockets’

If you’ve spent any time on our roadways recently – especially the northern and southern stretches of Indian ...

Blogs On Faith

ON FAITH: The love of God is at the center of all things

What’s at the center – the center of your life, the center of your world, the center of ...

Blogs Bonzo

BONZ: Family man Charlie is proud of his puppies

Hi, Pet Buddies! This week I got to interview a real family man pooch. His name is Charlie ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Polo Grill is like dining at your private club

Few island restaurants have the following of the Polo Grill, which for the past five years has been ...