32963 Features People

Genealogy fair makes ancestry search family fun

Members of the Indian River Genealogical Society spent the weekend helping others discover their roots and learn the ...

32963 Features Real Estate

Elegant golf course home captures West Indies ambiance

The turn-key golf course home at 404 Indies Drive epitomizes much of what makes Orchid Island Golf & ...

32963 Features Arts

Homeless artist has impressive past

If Wil Harris ever gets discouraged, he can always watch his own TEDx talk on YouTube on how ...

32963 Features Arts

Vero collector to showcase antiquities in Palm Beach

It takes only seconds upon entering Elke Brockway’s spacious oceanfront home to understand why she lovingly refers to ...

32963 Features

Vero Beach attorney disbarred over trust account

VERO BEACH — A barrier Island attorney would be prohibited from practicing law for at least five years ...

People srn features

Night at the Museum event promotes literacy through arts

More than 200 people filed into the Vero Beach Museum of Art on Saturday evening to learn about ...

Other Sections Real Estate

Vero Isles waterfront playhouse for large family

Some houses just have a peaceful, relaxing and happy energy and 210 Sea Gull Ave. on McKee Point ...

Health Other Sections

E-Cigarettes grow in popularity despite known health risks

The increasing popularity of electronic cigarettes raises some tough issues for health officials and medical researchers as they ...

Health Other Sections

With vaccinations up, pneumonia still kills the elderly

Indian River County seniors have heeded warnings from doctors, pharmacists and public health officials to get vaccinated against ...

32963 Features

Doctor vs doctor: Gillis sues Ramdev for defamation

INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — A former, well-respected Indian River Medical Center emergency room doctor is suing a prominent ...

32963 Features Arts

Havana Nights performer has dazzling show-biz past

Dodging raindrops on a recent Saturday night, a diminutive dark-haired woman hauled a black case out of her ...

32963 Features Arts

Coastal Wrap: Carl Hiaasen, Art Mundo and Vero’s Art Stroll

It could have been straight out of a Carl Hiaasen novel, only Hiaasen wasn’t making this up. Off ...