
Waking up to the new high blood pressure guidelines

Most Americans went to bed on a recent Sunday night in November thinking their blood pressure was normal. ...


Gut news as study finds more omega-3 benefits

Research from the UK has added to the well-known list of benefits provided by omega-3s: more bacterial diversity ...


‘Shing’ its praises: New vaccine is ultra-effective

When the FDA approved GlaxoSmithKline’s new Shingrix vaccine for shingles last month, it also took the extraordinary step ...


Older Americans facing ‘bone health emergency’

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but osteoporosis can kill you. Just ask certified physician assistant Julie ...


New way to identify skin-cancer without biopsy

Newly-arrived Scully Welsh Cancer Center dermatologist and surgeon Dr. Lilia Correa is excited about a “cutting edge” tool ...


Wound care center’s top doc knows stakes are high

The Center for Wound Care & Hyperbaric Medicine in Sebastian has a new director – but Dr. Dawn ...


The ‘In’ crowd: Hospitalists rule inpatient care at IRMC

If Dr. Richard Rothman has his way, your family doctor will now have a new title. For decades ...


Shhhhweet: Sebastian hospital has a quieter MRI

Anyone who has ever had magnetic resonance imaging (an MRI) knows one thing for certain: Those oversized doughnut-shaped ...


For faster healing, get ‘hip’ to minimally invasive surgery

Looking for some straight talk on hip replacements? Then you might do well to spend some time in ...


Brain reboot? Psychiatric care may see radical shift

Even if you’re unfamiliar with serotonin, a chemical messenger in the brain, you’ve likely heard of drugs such ...


Clinical trial yields tantalizing heart and cancer clues

Dr. Jose Rivera, a cardiologist with the Steward Health Group and the Sebastian River Medical Center, is finally ...


‘VeriStrat’ test may be a revolutionary cancer diagnostic

Dr. Kali Freeman, hematopathologist and medical director at the Indian River Medical Center’s pathology department, isn’t prone to ...