
Path to beating breast cancer starts with screenings

October is now long gone and with it went the pink shoes on NFL football players, the seemingly ...


Angst for the holidays? Simple tips to minimize stress

While December ’tis the season to be jolly … it’s also the season of extra stress and that ...


Surgical procedure brings hope to lung disease patients

Veteran Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital pulmonary and critical care specialist Dr. Diego Maldonado clearly has a new ...


‘See’ change? New macular degeneration drug gets OK

Four words no one wants to hear from their eye doctor are: “You have macular degeneration.” Why? Because ...


Tiny thyroid gland plays outsize role in human body

Quick quiz: What weighs between 25 and 30 grams – roughly one ounce – lives in your throat ...


Advanced prostate cancer treatable, but not curable

Most of what’s written about prostate cancer these days is about the early detection and treatment of the ...


Coughing too much? You might need an Otolaryngologist

Everybody’s at one time or another had a cough and, until recently, people generally thought they knew what ...


‘East Side’ medical practice has new name, new services

Finding “urgent care” close to the island in Vero Beach is about to get a little trickier. Dr. ...


‘Ultrasonography’ device takes imaging to new level

In January of this year Florida Healthcare Specialists’ Dr. Hugo Davila unwrapped one of the most modern, flexible ...


Dump that bump with minimally invasive bunion surgery

Bothered by bunions? According to newly arrived advanced foot and ankle surgery specialist Dr. Amber Morra at Vero ...


Nurse practitioners, physician assistants can lead care force

If you are one of those who look down your nose at the thought of being treated by ...


Lots to digest about inflammatory bowel disease and its cures

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is, according to the Mayo Clinic, “an umbrella term” used to describe multiple disorders ...