
COMING UP: You’ll flip over online video of ‘Aerial Antics’

Typically, this is the time of year when children and parents gather at Saint Edward’s School for a ...


‘Art for art’s sake’ – online outlet for creative minds

When public buildings, art galleries and museums began shutting their doors in March to comply with the shutdown, ...


Virtual symphonies instantly click with music fans

Symphonic musicians love to play music together. Their audiences love to listen. But what happens when a pandemic ...


Mixed-media art grabs versatile Gruber’s attention

Local artist and filmmaker Xaque Gruber has not been idle during this pandemic’s safer-at-home period. Gruber was scheduled ...


Coming Up: Symphony series should be a drive-up delight

Almost halfway through our fourth month of social distancing and people are still coming up with creative ways ...


‘Hamilton’ can help fire up your Fourth

By now you’re probably aware that the Fourth of July fireworks for the City of Vero Beach have ...


Mike Block String Camp: Vero favorite goes virtual

Thanks to the coronavirus, students and fans of the annual Mike Block String Camp and Vero Beach International ...


Coming Up: See-through canoe offers unique look at lagoon

You can get out, play it safe and still have fun with something that might be very different ...


Carefree spirit moves artist Whitney down creative path

Surrounded by a group of her artwork – paintings in acrylic, watercolors and pastel – Anne Whitney reflects ...


Barnes lights up rooms with her lampshade artistry

While beautiful lampshades can transform a room, they have also transformed the life of Maggie Barnes, the meticulous ...


Get big whoops at Riverside’s Comedy Zone

We’re still trying to figure out where to go, when to go and how to behave once we ...


Fishing for ideas? Here’s one for Saturday

Children ages 2 to 13 years can participate in the “Kids Fishing Tournament” held 10 a.m. to 2 ...