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online features tech talk and innovation

Four real-life ways technology is transforming the present and the future

(BPT) - Smartphones keep people constantly connected, smart cars can drive and park themselves, and smart buildings are ...

online features tech talk and innovation

Job opportunities await in tomorrow’s expanded urban areas

(BPT) - Predicting the future can be a Herculean task in its own right, but when it comes ...

Blogs dining guide

DINING: Two tastes of Lebanon – Sammy’s and Skewers

Years ago, my husband used to return home from trips to Beirut with stories of the exotic dishes ...

online features tech talk and innovation

The latest advancements in college education are happening digitally

(BPT) - The face of education in the United States is changing. Many of today’s universities are embracing ...

online features tech talk and innovation

Three ways to help businesses attract and retain top talent

(BPT) - Many companies recognize that attracting and retaining top employee talent can result in a significant cost ...

online features travel

Forget post-holiday sales: Find the best deals at local boat shows

(BPT) - Post-holiday sales aren’t the only deals to be found during the winter months. Starting in January, ...

32963 Features

Mayor Moss prepared to negotiate first phase of electric sale

Six impressive law firms want to represent the City of Vero Beach in the sale of the Indian ...

32963 Features Sports

Energized St. Ed’s b-ball team winning in bunches

St. Ed’s varsity girls basketball team achieved an important milestone Dec. 7 by smothering the Pine School, 36-13, ...

32963 Features Health

Shining an endoscopic light on Barrett’s esophagus

Barrett’s esophagus, according to Indian River Medical Center gastroenterologist Dr. Ashley Canipe, is a complex condition that is ...

32963 Features

Visitor Center at Harbor Branch highlights wonders of sea

A jazzed-up Ocean Discovery Visitor Center at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute will reopen next week with new and ...

32963 Features

Shores to consider eliminating aging septic systems

Pressure on local governments to take action aimed at reversing the ecological crisis in the Indian River Lagoon ...

32963 Features Health

Progress on diagnosing Alzheimer’s at earlier stage

Researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have developed a chemical compound that could ...