INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — A search warrant in the 3400 block of 3rd Street lead to the arrest of 20-year-old, Sam E. Underwood, of Sebastian, on Wednesday.
Detectives with the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office Mulit-Agency Criminal Enforcement (M.A.C.E.) Unit found more than three hundred Alprazolam (Xanax) pills, a half pound of marijuana, three grams of fake LSD, and other miscellaneous drug paraphernalia.
Underwood’s arrest comes on the tail of another M.A.C.E., lead drug bust on Tuesday that sent three Indian River County residents to jail on felony charges of manufacture methamphetamine and possession of methamphetamine.
According to a spokesperson at the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office, no immediate relation between the meth lab and the Sebastian man’s arrest was known, though he said he was not ruling anything out.
Indian River County Sheriff Deryl Loar said in a statement, “Tuesday’s meth lab arrests and yesterday’s prescription pill case are great examples of how our M.A.C.E. Unit is working towards eradicating drugs in our community. We will not tolerate this type of activity in Indian River County.”
Underwood is being held at the county jail on $23,000 bond. He faces charges felony marijuana possession with intent to distribute, possession of Alprazolam, and possession of drug paraphernalia.