INDIAN RIVER COUNTY — Art Randolph had the day off Friday and planned to spend much of the day relaxing before starting a new job on Monday. Instead, he spent his afternoon corralling a pair of goats near the Brackett Library, keeping them from venturing out onto College Lane.
“This happens more often than it should to me,” Randolph said while holding onto a piece of parachute cord he made into a lasso for one of the goats.
Randolph, an Eagle Scout originally from Arizona, has a habit of stopping for strays – usually cats and dogs – and the occasional turtle.
“It drives my wife nuts,” Randolph said.
He emailed her a selfie with the goats while waiting for authorities to come and pick up the animals. She told him they couldn’t come home with him.
As an Eagle Scout, Randolph is usually prepared for just about anything, he said – a multi-tool in one pocket, a flashlight in another – and always with a long piece of parachute cord.
“It doesn’t usually get used on goats,” he said of the cord.
A passerby stopped and offered a long piece of twine to help secure the second goat before continuing on with her day.
For about an hour, Randolph stood in the grassy area near the sign for the Indian River State College Mueller Campus making sure the goats didn’t run out into the road.
He had just finished spending a few hours reading in the library when he planned to head home – but that’s when he saw the goats. If not for the strays, Rudolph said he would have just gone home to loaf – at least he could be outside and enjoy the fresh air.