Heartfelt support for Gold Star Moms’ ‘Walk-A-Thon’ mission


The American Gold Star Mothers of Indian River County recently hosted their fifth annual Walk-A-Thon for Military/Veteran Suicide Awareness at Riverside Park, in an effort to educate the public and bring about a greater understanding regarding the alarming rates of suicide among active service military and veterans.

American Gold Star Mothers is an organization of mothers whose children died while in service or as a result of that service, or who are still missing in action. The mothers keep their memories alive by engaging in community outreach, support programs and events such as the Walk-A-Thon to raise awareness of the challenges faced by current and past military personnel.

“I’m overwhelmed, as always, with the number of people who come,” said Michelle Dale, president of American Gold Star Mothers Indian River County.

“The purpose of this gathering is to make our community aware of our 22-plus military and veterans who are dying by suicide every single day in our country.”

Reflecting on the loss of her son, Cpl. Dale Kridlo, who was killed in action in Kunar Province, Afghanistan on Nov. 7, 2010, Dale said the difference is, “When he came home, he was gone.”

It’s harder for the family members whose loved ones come home, only to then die by suicide, said Dale.

“They get to hug, talk and do things with them. Then they start to see them struggle, but they don’t get the help that they need. We have to support our veterans who are coming back and struggling with service-related PTSD,” said Dale.

After the 2.2-mile walk around Riverside Park, several veterans spoke about the difference having a support system made once they left the service. A Veterans Resources Expo following the walk was replete with information booths highlighting the various programs and services available to veterans and their families.

Event proceeds benefit the local programs and PTSD support groups offered by Dogs for Life, the Mental Health Association of Indian River County and Next Generation Veterans of Indian River County.

“We all work together to have sessions for our veterans who are struggling, which are proving to have helped those who need that extra support,” said Dale.

For more information, visit IRCGoldStarMoms.org, DogsForLifeVB.org, MHAIRC.org or NGVIRC.org.

Photos by Joshua Kodis

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